Distribution Update

What is Philanthropy? has been recently added to the collections of the following institutions:

Murray State University – Murray, Kentucky

Rockhurst University – Kansas City, Missouri

City University of New York – New York, New York

Eugene Public Library – Eugene, Oregon

Producer Salvatore Alaimo thanks these institutions for their patronage and wishes great use of the film for all.

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4 Responses to Distribution Update

  1. Ruth Hansen says:

    Our university (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater) purchased the DVD, and I use it in class. Class this fall will either be hybrid or online. How can I share it with my students if not in person? Is a streaming version available, given the COVID realities?

    • salaimo says:

      Ruth, being that the university owns it, you have my permission to transform it (rip it) into a digital file and streaming version. Two other universities have done that. Your IT and E-Learning folks should know how to do that. I have asked Indiana University Press for several years now to sell a streaming version, but I gave up asking. Let me know how that process goes. – Sal

      • Ruth Hansen says:

        Thanks very much, Sal. It’s a great resource, and I appreciate being able to access it flexibly when I’m not sure what my mode of delivery will be.

  2. salaimo says:

    Ruth, I appreciate the kind words. That’s one of the main reasons why I made the film, so wonderful instructors like you could use it for educational purposes. If your folks have trouble transforming it into a streaming format let me know. Best wishes and thank you!

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